Serie Everest ed Everest-S
Azionamenti digitali miniaturizzati EtherCAT
- Brushed DC
- Ethernet
- Bassa tensione
- Miniaturizzato
- Brushless
- CANopen
- Corrente elevata
Servotecnica offers integration drive solutions with a raised power density, ultra-compact, and designed for direct integration on PCB boards.
Output currents reach up to 45A nominal and 60A peak with a voltage range from 9VDC to 80VDC.
Available protocols are CANopen and EtherCAT.
Supported feedback: Digital Halls, Digital Incremental Encoder, BiSS-C, Dual Biss-C, Dual BiSS-C Daisy Chained, BiSS-C and SSI, SSI, Dual SSI.
Operating temperatures can range from -40°C to +70°C.